Have Your tried AA and other Group Meetings and Still can’t stop Drinking?
If so you are not alone.
Over 75% of Alcoholics Anonymous members still keep drinking.
Alcohol Use Disorder Recovery Center
Was created to overcome the STIGMA associated with seeking treatment in a psychiatric office for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).
At The Palms Treatment Centers
Your Doctor and Therapist Visits
Are all Virtual from the comfort of you office or home.
THE PALMS Treatment & Recovery Center
Is the first 100% Virtual Recovery Center that is private from Employers, Family and Insurance companies designed for those seeking to reduce the amount of Alcohol Consumed by MAT (Medication- Assisted Treatment)
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Research shows that a combination of medication and therapy can successfully treat these disorders, and for some people struggling with addiction, MAT can help sustain recovery.
the biggest hurdles in Recovery from Alcohol.
- The Embarrassment of Admitting you have a problem to friends, family, and employers
- END THE STIGMA of Psychiatry offices, rehabs and community mental health centers
- In person AA meetings
- Cost of Residential living and Sober Homes
Unlike traditional recovery centers for alcohol abuse and disorder, the goals of The Palms Virtual Alcohol Treatment Center are not 100% Sobriety.
The Palms Alcohol Abuse Recovery Centers Goals are Harm Reduction instead of 100% Sobriety which, so few ever reach.
is to tackle alcohol use disorder gradually to increase long term success.
- # 1 Goal is harm reduction by reducing the amount of heavy drinking and binges Reduce the amount of heavy drinking by 25-50%
- Incorporate counseling in synergy with Medications for a 1-2 Punch
- Set attainable goals
- Reduce the risk associated with alcohol dependency withdrawal